St. Mary's Inter College
Padri bazar, Gorakhpur
[ Affiliated to the State Board of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow ]
For God and Country through the values of Love, Service and Justice.
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Bishop Mathew Nellikunnel CST,
Bishop of Gorakhpur

Rev Fr Joseph Kottukappally
It is true that education not only prepares us for life, but also shapes our thought line to a large extent. A school is a sacred place where a child is developed physically,mentally, psychologically & spritually.

Rev. Fr. SIJO M.P.
Education is a fundamental birth right of every child and an educated person is an asset to the society and the nation.
With a vision, the Catholic Diocese of Gorakpur Education Society has a proven track record for the last 30 years. Our Students students not only excelled in Board exams but also in various professional and competitive examinations.
vision and mission
Integral Development-intellectual, mental and spiritual of every child enrolled here and to make them responsible, broad minded, patriotic and disciplined citizen of the country, and to make our children committed to the service of God and of the Nation. To instill in to them a spirit of compassion, unselfish service, dedication to duty, Love for the fellow men and thirst for excellence and wisdom.
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Our Services
Please look out these columns for school information. our services are transparent and we strive our level best to update the services at the earliest. Hope you may find it useful.

School Calendar
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Rules & Regulations
The rules and regulations are though hard but for the betterment of students to bring them up with good characters in the society

Our School fee structure is nominal and affordable to every student even the one who comes from below poverty line. It is the vision and mission of our Gorakhpur Diocese. Besides, we provide concession and scholarship to deserving students.

The Management of St. Mary’s Inter College congratulates the winners of every class topper.

Books followed
The books what are followed in every class is listed in this section for your view so that you can buy well in advance and come prepared.

Notice & Circulars
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